The Polk E-911 Staff


About Us

Thousands of People in the United States call 9-1-1 every day, seeking help and assistance in a manner of urgency in a time of crisis. These calls are routed to the nearest Public Safety Answering Point, also known as a PSAP. When a 9-1-1 call is made in Polk County, North Carolina or from a cell phone that hits a cell tower in Polk County, the call for help is routed to the Polk County E 9-1-1 Communications Center, a department jointly integrated within the Polk County Sheriff's Office, and the Polk County Local Government. Highly trained and professional communications specialists staff this Center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to assist with whatever emergency that you may encounter.


Our personnel:

Captain Jeremy W. Gregg - Director 

Lieutenant Matt Frady - Operations Supervisor

Sergeant Janae Nelon - Shift Supervisor
Sergeant Valerie  Schlabach - Shift Supervisor 
Sergeant Jennifer Condrey - Shift  Supervisor
Sergeant Toney Jackson -  - Shift  Supervisor 

Emery Viehman -  Emergency Dispatcher 
Dylan Ludwig - Emergency Dispatcher 
Greyson Greene - Emergency Dispatcher
Miranda Carroll - Emergency Dispatcher  

Part-time as needed:

Nicole Harris 
Tara Atkins
Roman Scruggs
Malikka Hutchins 

We are taking applications for part-time/as needed. Please see the front page of the Polk County website.




Agencies We Serve

Law Enforcement Agencies

Polk County Sheriff
Columbus Police Dept.
Saluda Police Dept.
Tryon Police Dept.

Fire Departments

Green Creek
Mill Spring
Sunny View

EMS / Rescue

Polk County EMS
Polk County Rescue Squad

Forest Service

NC Forest Service


*Polk County 9-1-1 Communications also provides support and mutual aid services for our neighboring Counties; Henderson and Rutherford County in N.C., and Spartanburg County in S.C.*

As well as serving Polk County’s many emergency service agencies, we also take calls and page particular on call personnel. At night, on weekends and holidays, administrate phone lines are answered for some County and City departments that receive calls that cannot wait till the next business day. Remember, we are here for you.